The April 2023 issue of In Compliance concentrates on Pre-compliance EMC.
Troubleshooting Intra-System EMI
By Dr. Min Zhang
Many individual components in electrical and electronic systems and devices are integrated into systems that are required to function as a whole. Examples of such systems include large electric vehicles, fixed industrial installations, novel scientific products such as quantum computers, and more. There are two EMC-related aspects to consider: intra-system EMC and inter-system EMC. This article focuses on the intra-system EMC aspect while also considering the inter-system aspect.
Top 10 ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Deficiencies Found in Electronics Testing Laboratories
By Rob Miller
Whether your organization is seeking ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for the first time or renewing your current accreditation, there are a few frequently overlooked or misunderstood sections of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard to which we must pay close attention..
Automotive EMC Testing: CISPR 25, ISO 11452-2 and Equivalent Standards, Part 2
By Garth D’Abreu, Craig Fanning, and Ammar Sarwar
This two-part article provides an overview of current automotive EMC standards and the intricacies of chamber testing automotive systems and components. In Part 2 of this article, we’ll address antennas used for automotive EMC testing.
9 Steps to Select a Test Cable for Millimeter Wave Applications
By John Muzzio
Radio signal frequencies are rising to the millimeter-wave (mmWave) range as applications such as 5G networks and automotive radar systems seek more bandwidth at higher frequencies. Testing is an important part of producing new products at mmWave frequencies and coaxial cable assemblies are vital parts in getting signals from a signal generator to a device under test (DUT) and then to an analyzer.
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